Useful information about your holiday in Deutschnofen in the Dolomites

Useful information about your holiday

Deutschnofen offers plenty in the way of shopping and eating out. In the village centre you can find grocery stores, a bakery, a butcher's shop, a wine bar, a pharmacy, a dentist, a fashion, shoe and flower shop that also sells souvenirs, an electrical goods retailer, newsagent-tobacconists, banks (Raiffeisen and Sparkasse), as well as restaurants, pizzerias and bars.
There is a gas station at the entrance to the village.

Opening hours of the shops:
Monday to Saturday from 7.30 am to 12.00 pm and from 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm,
Shops are closed on Thursday afternoons and on Sundays and public holidays.
There are two petrol stations and garages at the entrance to the village.

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